
Since January 2013, Sarajevo and Bosnia-Herzegovina have never left my personal and academic life. The first time I visited the city, I could hardly understand where I was and what the past of the country was. I looked around and the remembrance of the “recent war”, as they call it, was everywhere. The only thing I could do was capturing what was around me with my photographs.

Bosnian Scars (July 2013)

© Lidia Bonifati

When I got home, I started to study and, in January 2016, I attended a trip to Sarajevo organized by the CCSDD and I could talk to diplomats, experts, judges, journalists and slowly I could learn more about the past, but especially about the present and the future of Bosnia. Once again, I had my camera with me and I tried to retrace the city I knew, trying to notice if I was looking Sarajevo with the same eyes.

Take Her Back (January 2016)

© Lidia Bonifati

Some readings on Sarajevo and the Balkans

  • Banović, Damir, Saša Gavrić, and Mariña Barreiro Mariño. The Political System of Bosnia-Herzegovina. Cham: Springer Nature, 2021.
  • Bianchini, Stefano. La questione Jugoslava. Firenze: Giunti Editore, 1999.
  • Bianchini, Stefano. Sarajevo. Le Radici dell’Odio. Roma: Edizioni Associate, 1993,
  • Cortesi, Marco. La Scelta. Trento: Erickson, 2013.
  • Divjak, Jovan. Sarajevo, Mon Amour. Formigine (MO): Infinito Edizioni, 2008.
  • Glenny, Misha. The Balkans (1804-2012). London: Granta Publications, 2012.
  • Iveković, Rada. Autopsia dei Balcani. Saggio di psico-politica. Milano: Raffaello Cortina Editore, 1999.
  • Leone, Luca, and Riccardo Noury. Srebrenica. La Giustizia Negata. Formigine (MO): Infinito Edizioni, 2015.
  • Nation, R. Craig. War in the Balkans. Honolulu, Hawaii: University Press of the Pacific, 2004.
  • Rastello, Luca. La Guerra in Casa. Torino: Einaudi, 1998.
  • Rumiz, Paolo. Maschere per un Massacro. Milano: Giangiacomo Feltrinelli Editore, 2011.
  • Woelk, Jens, Roberto Toniatti, and Laura Montanari. Il Pluralismo nella Transizione Costituzionale dei Balcani: Diritti e Garanzie. Trento: Università di Trento, 2010.
  • Woelk, Jens. La Transizione Costituzionale della Bosnia ed Erzegovina. Padova: CEDAM, 2008.